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Automate Asset Assessment
SeaDeep™ AI Platform provides
real-time feedback
SeaDeep™ AI Platform instantly
generates analytics for inspections
Generate Instant Analytics
Analyze Any Undersea Data
SeaDeep™ AI Platform is accessible to
any visual data
SeaDeep® Platform
Delivering Undersea
Automated | Real-time | Intelligence
Powered by AI
Platform Capabilities
SeaDeep AI
Enhancement &
Visualization &
Intelligence & Reporting
Generate Intelligence & Survey Reports
Visualize & identify
Critical Information
Enhance & Remove
Distorted Data
Patented Enhancement
SeaDeep AI restores data that appears unusable.
Restore Color
Improve Low Light
Remove Marine Snow
SeaDeep AI is trained on this enhanced data. It improves AI capabilities by 50%.
Enhanced Ai Capabilities
SeaDeep AI identifies, visualizes, & characterizes
mission-critical data.
Better 3D/SLAM
Enhanced object detection
Site characterization
SeaDeep AI provides instant characterization of data.
SeaDeep AI automates the
assessment of underwater sites
Benthic Habitat Monitoring
Infrastructure Inspection
Seabed Characterization
SeaDeep AI analyzes & reports to stakeholders in real-time.
Accessible Data Types
Multi-Modal Sensing
Incorporate any Visual Data into the SeaDeep™ Platform
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